All Posts - Page 4

234 posts found

Tweet to Twitter with PHP on Your Website

December 31, 2015
How to generate tweets from your website with PHP.

Serial Terminal Program Rundown for Linux

December 31, 2015
A rundown of serial terminal programs that run on Linux.

Minimizer to Reduce Download Size of CSS and JS Files

December 31, 2015
The tool I use to minimize CSS files. Works for JavaScript files too.

Run 32 Bit Binaries On 64 Bit Ubuntu

October 9, 2015
Install dependencies to run 32 bit Linux binaries on 64 bit Linux.

Adjust White Balance In Scanned Images on Linux

October 4, 2015
How adjust the white balance of images in Linux.

Example Script to Capture Webcam Images on Linux

October 3, 2015
A simple example script that will capture images from a webcam on a Linux computer at the specific interval and save them off.

A Language Speed Test Comparing Embedded Linux Boards 8

October 2, 2015
This basic test runs a comparison of programming language speeds comparing a variety of popular embedded Linux boards.

The Most Interesting Traceroute You'll Ever See

October 2, 2015
Did you ever think you would be able to sing along to a traceroute of hostnames?

Windows 10 - Smash Your Face 1

September 26, 2015
What is really happening with Windows 10?

Run Windows 2000 in QEMU on Linux

September 25, 2015
This quick guide goes through creating a bootable Windows 2000 CD-ROM (ISO) and then booting and installing Windows 2000 in QEMU with Ubuntu Linux as the host.

Shrink VirtualBox VDI Hard Disks 2

September 25, 2015
How to go about shrinking dynamic hard disks in with VirtualBox to free up some disk space on the host.

What happens if you run rm -rf / on Linux?

September 25, 2015
What really happens? I'll show you.

Install VirtualBox Additions in Ubuntu Guests

September 25, 2015
Hot to install necessary dependencies before installing the guest additions.

Install a Custom or Mainline Kernel on Ubuntu

September 17, 2015
This is a quick guide to build and install the latest mainline kernel, or simply a customized one, on Ubuntu from source.

Raspberry Pi 2 Console Game Emulator with Recalbox

September 17, 2015
Create a console game emulator for a variety of systems on a Raspberry Pi 2 with little effort.

Fishing the Verde River

June 30, 2015
Some pictures of trout fishing on the Verde River in May 2015.

Favorite Python One-liners

May 21, 2015
A collection of handy Python code snippets I frequently use.

Red Rock Turtlehead Peak Hike

May 20, 2015
Some pictures of a 2009 hike up Red Rock Canyon's Turtlehead Peak.

3D Printed Robot Arm with Raspberry Pi and Wii Remote

May 17, 2015
A 3D printed robot arm controlled using a Python script on a Raspberry Pi using a Wii remote controller.

Raspberry Pi Wireless Access Point with USB Edimax Adapter

May 17, 2015
Buildroot based setup for using an Edimax EW-7811Un wireless adapter to create an access point with something like a Raspberry Pi.