All Posts - Page 9

234 posts found

Nano .nanorc w/CPP Syntax Highlighting 2

February 1, 2006

Ubuntu Isn't Half Bad 4

January 17, 2006

Parallel Interface Relay Box

December 19, 2005
A relay box that interfaces a PC parallel port.

Trait Template Technique

December 17, 2005


December 16, 2005

Digitalpeer Impersonator Alert

December 10, 2005
Somebody wants to be like me.

Clean Your Computer

November 8, 2005
This is what happens when dust builds up in your computer.

Top 10 Replies by Developers

November 3, 2005
This list of things programmers say when there is a problem is pretty dang good.

Happy Halloween 2005 1

September 24, 2005

Honda CBR F4 Pictures 3

August 8, 2005
Original pictures of the bike as I got it.

Hardees Advertising Commercials 227

July 11, 2005
Sex sells. Sex sells.

Coding Obfuscation

June 26, 2005

Why are shirt buttons on the side they're on? 13

June 25, 2005
Another puzzling question of mine.

Function Parameter Evaluation Order in C 1

June 24, 2005

Coroutines in C

June 22, 2005
All about coroutines in C.

Print Hex and Bits in C

June 21, 2005
Print the hex and binary representation of memory in C.

Batch Resize Image Script 5

May 11, 2005
An example script that introduces convert.

odep - Library & Object File Dependency Grapher

April 19, 2005
Generate a dot file from compiled libraries and object files to generate a dependency graph.

Slow Mouse with Linux Kernel 2.6

January 22, 2005
How to fix the slow mouse in Kernel 2.6.

Web Page Change Detector

January 17, 2005
This is a VB 6 app that downloads a page using Winsock every minute and compares it to the original.