Posts in Programming

50 posts found

Emacs Copy and Paste

July 22, 2018
Simple and sweet. How to cut, copy, and paste in emacs.

My .emacs Config for Samples and Examples

July 22, 2017
What my current .emacs (dotemacs) file looks like.

Ditto Hunt - A Duplicate File Finder

July 15, 2017
Ditto Hunt is a duplicate file finder that quickly finds duplicate files and then allows you to select files for deletion.

TinyCom - A Line Based Serial Terminal GUI

February 22, 2017
A simple line based serial terminal GUI written in Python.

Easy Ajax Example Using jQuery

October 21, 2016
A simple and sweet example of doing basic Ajax with jQuery.

Profile PHP With Xdebug and Webgrind On Ubuntu 16

October 20, 2016
How to setup Xdebug and profile PHP code on Ubuntu.

Clapper Project with PIC16F688

March 31, 2016
This is a simple clapper project that can be used to turn appliances on and off.

Create a GUI Application Using Qt and Python in Minutes: Example Web Browser 4

January 24, 2016
This is a tutorial showing how to create a simple web browser in 10 minutes using Qt Designer and Python (PyQt). It doesn't get any simpler than this to create feature rich GUI applications with the logic written in Python in very little time.

Tweet to Twitter with PHP on Your Website

December 31, 2015
How to generate tweets from your website with PHP.

Minimizer to Reduce Download Size of CSS and JS Files

December 31, 2015
The tool I use to minimize CSS files. Works for JavaScript files too.

A Language Speed Test Comparing Embedded Linux Boards 8

October 2, 2015
This basic test runs a comparison of programming language speeds comparing a variety of popular embedded Linux boards.

Favorite Python One-liners

May 21, 2015
A collection of handy Python code snippets I frequently use.

fatutil - A Tool to Manipulate FAT32 Filesystem Images

March 27, 2015
A utility that gives scripting ability to generate FAT filesystem images without root or fuse.

Arduino UNO Unbox to First Program

March 30, 2014
A brief introduction from unboxing to toggling an on-board LED for an Arduino UNO.

Copy stdin to stdout the C++ Way 4

March 25, 2014
How one might write a simple C++ program to copy stdin to stdout. It's easier than you think.

Simple Text Processing With C++ dos2unix Example

March 24, 2014
A simple example of a basic dos2unix application using pure C++.

C++ Alternate Tokens Gone Wild

March 5, 2014
Did you know that there are alternate operators in C++ that resemble English?

Using the C++ Ternary Operator Like a Rockstar 1

March 2, 2014

PHP and Unicode

March 1, 2014
A rundown of how to prevent bugs dealing with Unicode support in PHP.

Apple Fail Bug

February 28, 2014