Posts in Scripts

24 posts found

Sync Installed Packages on Ubuntu Hosts

April 15, 2017

Easy Ajax Example Using jQuery

October 21, 2016
A simple and sweet example of doing basic Ajax with jQuery.

Image and Restore a Hard Drive with Linux

May 7, 2016
How to quickly image and restore a hard drive using Linux.

dd Directly to Remote Host File

May 3, 2016
How to dd an image directly to a remote host using SSH.

Adjust White Balance In Scanned Images on Linux

October 4, 2015
How adjust the white balance of images in Linux.

Example Script to Capture Webcam Images on Linux

October 3, 2015
A simple example script that will capture images from a webcam on a Linux computer at the specific interval and save them off.

A Language Speed Test Comparing Embedded Linux Boards 8

October 2, 2015
This basic test runs a comparison of programming language speeds comparing a variety of popular embedded Linux boards.

Regex to Test for Email Address in PHP

February 25, 2014
This is a simple function in PHP to determine if a string is a valid email address.

Create href from URL in Text with PHP

February 25, 2014
This is how I take text that contains links in PHP and convert any links to actual HTML hrefs.

Use GeSHi To Syntax Highlight Code on Your Site with Static CSS

February 24, 2014
This is how I use GeSHi to format the code displayed on this blog.

Script to List Removable Block Devices Like USB Keys

February 19, 2014
This is a very simple script that uses sysfs to list removable block devices. This is useful for finding USB devices and the available partitions.

Find Duplicate Files Script 1

February 19, 2014
A one liner that can find all duplicate files based on size and then file hash.

Script to List All Users in /etc/passwd

February 19, 2014
This is a simple script to list all usernames in /etc/passwd.

Batch Resize Image Script 5

May 11, 2005
An example script that introduces convert.

rm Command Replacement Using a Trash Folder

January 10, 2005

Website Link Crawler

January 10, 2005
A handy little perl script that will crawl a website and report broken links and even images.

Perl Script to Test for Open Mail Relays 2

July 30, 2004
This is a simple perl script that will test for an open mail relay.

Broadcast a Command with SSH 2

July 18, 2004
Use ssh to broadcast a command to a list of hosts given that you've already setup ssh keys and the login is automatic.

rsync Tip to Mirror a Filesystem

July 18, 2004

File Distribution Using rsnyc

July 18, 2004
See how you can use rsync to distribute files in a Linux cluster to do such things as enable distributed accounts.