
This documentation covers setting up and configuring Eensy. It is recommended to read through this and even follow along if you are considering setting up an Eensy device.



Create a uSD/SD Card

The first thing to do is create a uSD/SD card. Testing is done with SanDisk Ultra cards. Installation consists of extracting and writing the downloadable image to your uSD/SD card.


Using uSD/SD cards larger than 16GB are known to take an extremely long time to resize on powerup on some boards. 16GB cards and under can take several minutes.




Insert your uSD/SD card and figure out what the device node is and replace /dev/sdX with it.

Be careful here and make sure you use the right device when using dd to copy the image.

Simply extract and dd the image to your uSD/SD card in one pass.

unxz -c eensy-XXX-YYY.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M; sync

Initial Setup

Once you've got your uSD/SD card created, now it's time to setup the device before applying power. This gets a bit board specific, but it Eensy makes this generally the same for all boards where possible.

The root user does not support login by default. However, you can setup shared SSH keys to automatically login as root. Instead, the git user can login and use sudo to run things requiring root access. The default credentials are user git and password eensy that can be used to SSH into the device or to login through the serial console.

Add External USB Media for Repositories and User Data

External USB sticks or USB hard drives are supported on all SBCs. When attached, they are automatically mounted at /media/usbX where X is the number of attached USB devices. If you have one, go ahead and attach it. It's generally not considered good practice to constantly write to removable flash media over a long period of time. It will eventually wear out. If you're concerned about this, pick up an external USB hard drive enclosure. It is recommended to format the USB drive as an ext3/ext4 filesystem.

Serial Console

It's not absolutely required to setup the serial console if you have a method to determine the IP address of your board or your DHCP server supports registering hostnames, in which case, Eensy will register with the hostname "gitsrv."

With that said, a serial console can be very useful for initial setup and debugging. After that, you can use SSH to login to Eensy with the git user. To access the serial console on a PC, you'll need a TTY to Serial USB cable. The default serial baud rate for all boards is 115200. You can use something like the JBtek Debug Cable to accomplish this.


The JBTek Debug Cable Wiring diagram is:
Black Ground
Green Tx
White Rx
Red 5V (unused)

Remember, where your board pinout says Rx, that means you want to connect the Tx of your serial cable to it. You can see the actual pinout in the pictures below using the JBTek wire colors.

Raspberry Pi 2/3

Setup for the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 are identical. Insert the uSD card, connect an Ethernet cable, optional USB storage, and optional serial console. Then, apply power. It takes a fair amount of time to initialize the uSD filesystem and expand it to the size of your card. The device will reboot automatically at least once. Just be patient until you can ping gitsrv or the IP address of your SBC. Don't cycle power while the uSD/SD card is initializing or you'll corrupt it and have to start over.


CubieBoard 2

Insert the uSD card, connect an Ethernet cable, optional USB storage, and optional serial console. Then, apply power. It takes a fair amount of time to initialize the uSD filesystem and expand it to the size of your card. The device will reboot automatically at least once. Just be patient until you can ping gitsrv or the IP address of your SBC. Don't cycle power while the uSD/SD card is initializing or you'll corrupt it and have to start over.


BeagleBone Black

Insert the uSD card, connect an Ethernet cable, optional USB storage, and optional serial console. Hold down the boot button (S2), and apply power. Hold the button down for a couple seconds after applying power. You only need to hold the button down once, every time after that it will automatically boot from the uSD card. It takes a fair amount of time to initialize the uSD filesystem and expand it to the size of your card. The device will reboot automatically at least once. Just be patient until you can ping gitsrv or the IP address of your SBC. Don't cycle power while the uSD/SD card is initializing or you'll corrupt it and have to start over.


Configuring Gogs

Once the SBC has booted and it's done automatically setting things up, direct a web browser on the same network to http://gitsrv or use the IP address of your SBC as necessary. If everything went well, you should get the Gogs install page.

You should be able to leave all settings as default.


The Gogs web server runs by default on port 3000, but there is an iptables rule that will forward TCP port 80 to port 3000 internally to the device. Even though Gogs runs on port 3000, it can still be accessed through the default web server port 80 because of this. So, this settings should be left at port 3000 if you really want to use the default http port 80.


Click Install Gogs to complete the setup. Once setup as been completed, register as a new user. The first user registered will automatically become an administrator.



Once logged in you'll be sitting at the Gogs dashboard.


Now, you can add a repository, checkout the Admin Panel, and more.

Additional Setup and Configuration

Change the Default Password

Once you've got the install up and running, it is recommended to login as the git user and change the password. The default credentials are user git and password eensy that can be used to SSH into the device or to login through the serial console. Once logged in, you can change the password by running:

$ passwd

Set a Static IP Address

If your network does not have a DHCP server, or you want the device itself to use a static IP address, here's how to configure it.

Edit /etc/network/interfaces

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

and replace

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
    wait-delay 15
    hostname gitsrv

with something like the following, replacing the appropriate network values.

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Save, and restart the network interface.

sudo ifdown eth0
sudo ifup eth0

Customize Gogs Configuration

By default, all data is stored at /home/git/gogs-data/. However, if a USB drive is inserted before initial Gogs setup, it will put all data at /media/usb0/gogs-data/.

The Gogs configuration file is located at /home/git/gogs-data/conf/app.ini. If you need to do manual configuration to the Gogs config file, you can use emacs or nano.

nano /home/git/gogs-data/conf/app.ini

See the Gogs Config Cheat Sheet or the default Gogs app.ini source for information on what values you can set and override.

Migrate Existing Repositories into Eensy

First, login to Gogs and get an application key under your profile settings.

Here's a script to migrate a bunch of existing repositories to a new Gogs installation. Just organize all of your repositories, bare or not, into a single directory all with a .git extension. Then, run this script passing the path to the directory. This script does not work for all cases, so verify what actually gets pushed.

./migrate.sh /path/to/repos

It will go through each repo, clone it locally, create the repository in Gogs through the API, and mirror it to the new repo created. Don't run this in the same $PWD as the source repositories.


set -e


for repo in $1/*.git
    echo Looking at $repo

    filename=$(basename "$repo")

    if [ ! -d $repo_base ]
    git clone $repo

    cd $repo_base

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -H "Authorization: token $app_token" \
         -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"$repo_base\", \"private\": true }" \

    git remote add gitsrv git@gitsrv:$username/$filename
    git push gitsrv --mirror

    cd -

Building Eensy from Source

Building Eensy from source is useful if you want to install new packages or change system configuration at build time. It requires a Linux machine and some time. Familiarity with Linux and buildroot are required.

Eensy is based on buildroot. In fact, buildroot does most of the work. Currently, Eensy uses the BR2_EXTERNAL feature of buildroot which allows configs, packages, and more to reside out of the buildroot tree, but act completely like they are naturally a part of buildroot. It's a pretty cool feature. To build the releases from source, you need a clone of Eensy and a clone of buildroot. It doesn't matter where you clone things to, but for these instructions they will be side by side in the filesystem.

git clone https://github.com/digitalpeer/eensy.git
git clone https://github.com/digitalpeer/buildroot.git
cd buildroot
# where DEFCONFIG is one of the defconfig file names in eensy/configs/
# optionally configure more options as necessary
make menuconfig

Now, if you look in output/images you'll see an sdcard.img that you can dd directly to a uSD/SD card. Also note that the default configs download all files to ~dl/ to keep them all in one spot.